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I am the mother of a wonderful boy Yaroslav, who was born on 02.11.2015 and lives with me in Ukraine in Nikolaev.
Desired child! My happiness! The birth was natural, difficult, first. On individual questions and comments about the child's condition, the doctors convinced me that it should be so, everything will be restored.
However, I have noticed that my concerns are not so unfounded. Something went wrong in Yarik's development. Unfortunately, the doctors did not diagnose the incident in time .... It turned out that due to the birth trauma, which the doctors kept silent about, Yarik had a hemorrhage near the cerebellum during childbirth (now there is a cyst). Then there was a second hemorrhage in the left ventricle of the brain, as a result of which a blood clot was formed, provoking increased intracranial pressure. For a long time, the brain did not receive the required amount of oxygen and nutrients.
Cerebral angiodystonia (cerebrovascular pathology), vertebrobasilar insufficiency, sensorimotor alalia and retrocerebellar cyst !!!!!
For two and a half years, we have been intensively and regularly undergoing drug treatment: craniosocrol therapy, massages, physiotherapy exercises, a psychologist, a dialectologist, etc. The best specialists from Nikolaev, Odessa, Kharkov, Kiev passed.
There is a positive trend, but it is catastrophically slow. The child's brain is as flexible as possible up to 7 years. There is little time left. After this age, it is much more difficult to fix something. In order for Yarik to become a part of the vast world, he needs to attend an ordinary kindergarten and an ordinary school, to fully communicate with children, which he is already deprived of. Because of the medical system of our country, I lost precious time. It hurts to see that other kids don't want to play with my son because he doesn't talk. He still does not understand everything that is being said to him and cannot answer. The consequence of such a birth injury is not fatal to the body. Yarik grows and develops physically fully. The problem is in the injured areas of the brain. If nothing is done, the developmental gap with peers can lead to bullying with further mental problems. In such conditions, a child can grow up to be aggressive and angry. Angry at the whole world and loved ones as well.
But I do not lose hope. And here she is!
Beijing (China), private clinic! They give great chances for my Yaroslav's recovery. They have no concept of alalia, autism, zprr. All this is called "non-triggered areas of the brain." Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) treatments are amazing, proven over the centuries. The cost of treatment with flight and accommodation is $ 9,000, 14 days in the clinic, and medicines for 6 months (with you).
The chances for a healthy and happy life for Yarik are very high.
I believe that the happiness and health of my child depends on the unity and kindness of generous people who will not stand aside in difficult times.
Give Yaroslav a chance to live without limits!
I am infinitely grateful to you!
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