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My name is Camilo Amarú Jaimes Rojas, I am two (2) years old and I live in Charallave, Edo. Miranda – Venezuela. I was born on July 30, 2019 and after a year and a half, everything seemed to be normal until my dad and mom began to notice strange behaviors that did not correspond to the typical development of a child my age.
Earlier this year, I was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). My daddy was devastated and lasted many days crying without understanding what was happening to him. Mom, she has also cried a lot. Despite that, I have never stopped feeling loved, because they try so hard to make me the happiest child in the world. Because of that love they have for me, they have done everything possible to try to help me improve my condition, and my daddy always repeats to me that as long as his life lasts, he will do everything in his power to help me live, because for him the People don't die when they stop breathing, but when they stop smiling.
That is why we need your help, because here in Venezuela everything is very complicated, services, the economy, food, among many other things and no matter how hard they work, we can barely "feed" ourselves and cover 10 % the therapeutic treatment I need, which is very long-term, permanent and quite expensive.
But also, I have to carry out a series of studies and medical evaluations with gastropediatrics, dermatology, nutritionist, neurology, among others, and here these public services are almost non-existent and, privately, quite expensive. In addition, there are many alternative methods taught from countries like Spain, to which daddy and mommy bet but economically they are priceless for them. One is from Dr. Katia Dolle, which seems quite effective, but at the same cost. I know that this condition will always be with me, but I have a lot of faith, because my parents tell me so, that by trying these methods I will surely improve a lot, and if you help me with whatever you can, I will achieve it and you will be part of it. of my small and big victories.
If we achieve the necessary collection, first we will do all the studies that I urgently require. At the same time, I will be able to increase the number of therapies that I receive per month, and that will help me a lot, but also, I hope to be able to achieve a collection that will help me keep up with the pace for the end of the year, at least. With the rest, if enough, we will start with one of these methods, or at least we can accumulate capital that allows us to start it as soon as possible.
If you want to follow my story closely, I'll share my social networks:
IG: @poramoracamilo
Facebook: Camilo Amaru
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