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Raising for Tuition Fees for Shawn for his final semester.

Collected amount

Goal $1,200

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the flag image of country Shawn K Hlatywayo
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Greetings to everyone,

Shawn is a student from Zimbabwe that currently studies in Russia.

He is seeking support to pay his university fees to able to graduate.

Student of Electrical engineering

Shawn is a final year student at Southwest State University in Russia.

Over the years he has shown good leadership qualities outside the classroom and has represented his home country of Zimbabwe and school in various extra curriculum activities.

Now he needs to clear off the balance of his fee, write his exams, defend his Bachelor's degree in Power and Electrical engineering, and graduate.

Financial problem

Shawn's parents are both civil servants, they are teachers by profession. The economy in his home country of Zimbabwe has become so bad that their combined salaries do not even amount to one hundred united states dollars and they still have to support themselves and Shawn's two siblings who also locally go to school so they have been unable to support him ever since the economy deteriorated.

Shawn mainly survived by doing piece jobs like translating documents, interpreting, travel assistance and he started a small printing business in his hostel room so he can at least have food to eat.

Usage of the funds

all of the collected funds will be used towards paying off the school fees and writing my exams so he can graduate with the other friends,

This project plans to raise $1200 which is meant to cover the tuition fees for Hlatywayo Shawn Kudzai for my ongoing final semester.

He already missed an exam due to the financial arrear so as soon as he gets the funds he would pay them where they are due and save his future.

Help Shawn to graduate

He already tried to reach out to friends and family to help settle the money so he can graduate but they all say they have no money, and the school would rather have deported him back home than help to finish school there, so I am hoping well-wishers can help me raise the funds.

Let's help the pioneer achieve his dreams.

Thank you in advance,

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