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My mum needs a spinal fusion surgery!

المبلغ الذي تم جمعه

‏٢٠ US$
الغاية ‏١٬٣٥٠ US$

الأيام المتبقية 0 أيام

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ما هو Airfunding؟

هو منصة تمويل الجماعي استخدام هذا قبل ما يقرب من 200 دولة. أي شخص يمكن بسهولة إنشاء المشروع!

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Nice to meet you! My name is Nanyonga and I live in Kampala, Uganda!

I'm trying to raise funds to pay a spinal fusion surgery for my mum!

My mum is in pain due to her back condition

My mum has 62 years old. She is suffering a lot because of back pain.

She used to sell clothes and other related things. Her back has been getting worse due to phisical effort, but she always kept working for her family.

Recently, the pain has became unbearable, and she barely can walk.

We always thought it wasn't serious but on taking her to the hospital the doctor said that she needs surgery, that the damage on her back is severe.

A family with no savings

I'm working as manager in a dry cleaning shop and my monthly income is around $70.

My dad is 80 years old and he is retired. My siblings are working, but they have their own families and they need to support them.

I had another two sisters, but unfortunately we lost them years ago.

Without savings we can't pay the surgery

My mum is pretending not to feel pain, because she doesn't want us to worry about her.

She always did her best for her family, and I need to correspond her somehow. I'm trying to save money for her treatment, but in 2 years I only could save $400, which is clearly not enough.

We need to go to a private hospital to do this surgery, and we don't have health insurance to pay it.

Details on needed funds

I already saved $400 for the surgery, but we still need $1,350. Please, help me to relieve my mum's back pain!


If we receive enough funds we will take mum to the hospital and proceed with the surgery.

She will be admitted to the hospital and she will have to stay there for a while. Recovering won't be quick, but at least we know that eventually she will get better!

In case we can't collect enough funds, we will have to keep saving money while giving mum some painkillers to be able to withstand the pain somehow.

All my family would really appreciate your help! Thank you very much!

المساعدة عن طريق المشاركة


عدد المنشورات

ما هو Airfunding؟

هو منصة تمويل الجماعي استخدام هذا قبل ما يقرب من 200 دولة. أي شخص يمكن بسهولة إنشاء المشروع!

عدد مرات الدعم 1

فقط مع الهاتف الذكي الخاص بك، يمكنك أن تبدأ بسهولة تمويل الجماعي فراغك الآن. هل ترغب في محاولة وصناديق جمع باستخدام Airfunding؟

  • منصة تمويل الجماعي فريدة من نوعها حيث يمكن جمع الأموال من المؤيدين من أكثر من 200 دولة
  • بدء المشاريع الخاصة بك مجانا
  • سيتم ترجمة المشروع الخاص بك تلقائيا للعالم أن يرى

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