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I want to help my mum to heal her back!

모인 금액

목표 US$900

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세계 200 개국 이상에서 사용되는 크라우드 펀딩 플랫폼입니다. 누구나 쉽게 프로젝트를 시작할 수 있습니다!

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Hello! My name is Anthony and I'm from Costa Rica!

I would like to raise funds to pay a treatment for my mum, who is suffering a lot because of her back's condition.

My mum's back condition

My mum is a wonderful woman of 60 years old, and she is suffering a lot of pain on her back.

My mother 's shoulder has worn joints, and when she tries to move it severely hurts. Because of this pain, she is feeling really bad and all the family is concerned about her.

It's not only physical pain. The condition of her back is causing her tension headache very frequently. It really hurts to see her like this.

I'm supporting my family alone

I lost my dad in 2007 due to an illness.

I was studying Nursing in University, but I had to stop studying to work and provide my family. I'm working as security staff in a hotel. My mum can't work because of her condition.

My sister has a little baby also.

I'm living alone in the capital because of my work, and when I have time I go to my hometown with my family. I'm paying for my expenses and my family's, so I'm not able to save enough money.

No health insurance

The treatment for my mum's back is not covered by the health insurance.

It's a very expensive treatment. It is necessary to check the condition of the shoulder with X - ray very frequently or prescribe medicine to produce cartilage. Our health insurance only provide us with anti-inflammatory medication.

One year and a half would be necessary for my mum to heal!

Details on needed funds

My mum would need $1,200 for her treatment. I've managed to save $300 in 7 months, so we would need $900 to complete the treatment.


If we can collect enough funds we will start with the treatment as soon as possible.

My mum is in pain, so I would like her to start with the treatment as soon as possible. In case we can't collect enough funds we maybe will have to ask for a loan.

Please, help me to stop the pain of my mum!

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