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I want to start a business of paper bags!

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Sasaran USD 2,895

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Nice to meet you! My name is Anand Waghmare, and I'm from Bhopal, India.

I'm working as a mechanical engineer. I'm working with many private companies, but I would like to start my own business!

I want to start a business of paper bags

In India, most of the people use polythene for their dealt use, even if they all know the disadvantages that its use has, but they don't have any other option.

Paper bags are expensive and people can't spend their money on them. My idea will let them get paper bags for the same cost!

Start a business, support my family and help society

My family have supported my education. Because of that, they have many debts and loans that I paying now with my low salary.

In this circumstances, it's not possible for me to save money that could help me start my business without help.

An improved life

Thanks to my education I'm able now to think and create many ideas, but due to the economic situation of me and my family I can't implement those ideas, as I have to support my family with my monthly income.

If I can achieve my target I will be able also to help my family.

I want to buy a paper bag machine

If I can collect enough funds, I will purchase a paper bag machine.

Also, I will try to use the funds for other expenses like the rent of the place and the utilities.

I've tried many different things to implement this idea so far, but it didn't work. If I can't collect enough funds, my idea will take more years, maybe 10 or so, but I will achieve my dream someday!

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Apakah itu Airfunding?

Ini adalah platform crowdfunding digunakan oleh hampir 200 negara. Sesiapa sahaja boleh membuat projek!

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