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My siblings and I need help to pay our tuition fee!

Jumlah terkumpul

USD 50
Sasaran USD 490

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Nice to meet you! My name is Namrata and I live in Mumbay, India!

My family is having difficulties to afford our school fees, and we need help!

Daily life became hard since my dad passed away

My dad passed away on 2012.

Since then, my mum is having a lot of difficulties to take care of all the family. She is working on a Security company and her monthly income too low to afford the tuition fees of 3 children.

Unfortunately we've already used all our savings and we're running out of money.

Our savings are gone

Currently, I'm studying Banking IBPS in order to become a Bank staff.

If everything goes well I will graduate next year on November, but in case I don't pay the tuition fee I will lost my exam rights. It's not only me, my siblings are also students.

When my dad was with us we managed to pay for all the daily expenses.

But now, with only the salary of my mum, it's really difficult to us.

I want to work in a Bank and support my family

If I manage to complete my studies and to find a good job, I will be able also to support my family in this difficult moment.

But this won't be possible if I can't pay the tuition fee. That's why this is so important to me and my family.

If I can graduate next year and find a good job in a Bank, I will be able to support my mum with my monthly income and my family's problems will end.

Details on needed funds

We need urgently $690 to pay for our tuition fees, but we only have about $200, which is not enough.


If we can collect enough funds, I will give them to my mum to pay for our school expenses.

The deadline is less than a month, so it's very urgent.

I don't know if it would be possible, but in case we can't get enough support I will try to talk with the school to find a solution. If we don't find it me and my siblings, we will have to stop studying.

Please, help us so we can keep studying and have a good future! Thank you very much in advance!

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