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I want my little child to attend a Korean school in Indonesia!

Gesammelter Betrag

208 $
Ziel 1.500 $

Verbleibende Tage 0 Tage

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Personen, die geteilt haben 1


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Nice to meet you! My name is Elvana and I am from Indonesia.

I would like my son to attend a Korean school in Indonesia, and to do that I would need some help!

My husband abandoned us

I married a Korean man 2 years ago.

We've met in Indonesia and in the beginning we had a beautiful relationship, that's why we got married.

He was experience some economic difficulties and he decided to go back to South Korea to work, with the promise of returning only in a few months.

Since July of this year, he stopped all communication with me and I started to worry. Finally, I discovered that he started to date with another woman.

I want my son to keep learning about Korean culture

Currently, I'm a single mother with 2 children.

I have a 11 years old girld and a 1 year and a half little son, who is also son of my Korean husband. I believe that if my little son attends a Korean school he will keep the Korean culture he learned when my husband was still here.

South Korea is a very nice country full of opportunities, and I would like to give my child the chance to work there in a future.

I've found one school in Jakarta named "Jakarta Indonesia Korean School". I think this is the best option for my son.

I can't afford all the expenses of the family

Currently, I'm working as a teacher and I get $100 every month.

My son is too young, but in a couple of years he will start attending the school. To me, it will be impossible to save all the amount I need to pay his school tuition in this brief period of time.

My parents can't help me either, as my dad is retired.

That's why I'm trying to ask for some help with this project. Please, kindly help me to give my son a Korean education!

Details on needed funds

To afford the entrance fee, tuition fee, etc, I would need $3,000. I will try to save the half in this 2 years, so please help me to get $1,500. Thank you very much!


As I explained, I want my son to start attending the school in 2 years.

In case I can't receive some help I will try to find a second job or something like that. What I know is that I will do my best for my son!

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