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I want to help my mum to improve her store and increase her sales!

Jumlah terkumpul

USD 20
Sasaran USD 460

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Hello! My name is Hilda and I live in Milaor, Camarines Sur in Philippines.

I would like to ask for some help to improving my mum's grocery store!

My mum opened a grocery last March

Last month of March, my mum opened a small grocery.

It's a very small shop, as you can see, but to open it my mum did a huge efford and spent all her savings.

We mainly sell meat products and canned food, but sales are not good enough.

Before this, my mum used to sell hamburguers as street vendor, and I think that to sell them again would help us to increase our sales!

We will reopen the burguer menu

Our customers are waiting for us to sell burguers, but they are not currently available in the store.

For my mum, to be a street vendor was really hard. Rainy days wasn't able to open the business and that was a loss for her economy. That's why she thought about opening an actual store.

Now, she's not able to afford meet supplies and everything need to sell again burguers.

Many customers want to buy them again, so if she include them again in the menu I think that sales will be improved.

She's not my biological mother

My mum is not really my mum; she is my aunt.

I don't have a dad and I lost my real mum many years ago, but my aunt tool care of me like one of her own daughters.

With this project I just want to give back everything she did for me.

Details on needed funds

To be able to get the needed suplies for the store we will need $460, as I just have $40 to help her.


If I can get enough funds I will give them to my mum so she can use them to improve the store and increase the sales.

It would be really nice to do it during November. I really trust that with this help she will finally experience a surplus!

Please, support me to help my mother!

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Apakah itu Airfunding?

Ini adalah platform crowdfunding digunakan oleh hampir 200 negara. Sesiapa sahaja boleh membuat projek!

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