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I need to pay my Medical degree!

Gesammelter Betrag

245 $
Ziel 1.500 $

Verbleibende Tage 0 Tage

Dieses Projekt ist beendet.

Was ist Airfunding?

Dies ist eine Crowdfunding-Plattform, die von fast 200 Ländern im Einsatz. Jeder leicht ein Projekt erstellen kann!

Personen, die geteilt haben 27


the flag image of country Raquel Vásquez
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Hello, I am Raquel Vásquez from Guayaquil, from Ecuador. since my teens I wanted to study Medicine in my country to understand the health system, their deficiencies and to be able to make a change in them, but as in other countries this major is very expensive. during the first year my parents supported me financially along with a scholarship that I had but after that they could not continue supporting me and I had to make an educational loan to a financial institution for the rest of my educational career and with a high interest rate, This loan does not cover my last year of career that I have paid with much effort with my small salary of the internship but I have a final payment of the degree for which this salary no longer reaches me.

I need a lot of your help, I need to make this payment in order to support my thesis and be able to graduate as a doctor.

I am very proud of how far it has come, the month of August I finish my medical practices, With excellent qualifications and being part of the 10 best averages of my promotion. In October I start paying my educational loan that I still consider a great impediment to my next plans, I look forward to specializing soon and doing a master's degree in public health as soon as possible to start my projects.

I am an honest and responsible person and if you have any questions about my debt or if the money is really going to be used for it, I have no problem sending evidence about it

I would be happy if you could use the [Help by sharing] button to share about my project!

Hilf, indem Du teilst


Anzahl an Beiträgen

Was ist Airfunding?

Dies ist eine Crowdfunding-Plattform, die von fast 200 Ländern im Einsatz. Jeder leicht ein Projekt erstellen kann!

Betreute Zeiten 13

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