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My house was destroyed, so I want to repay my debts and ask for a loan!

Cantidad recaudada

106 US$
Objetivo 900 US$

Días restantes 0 días

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Nice to meet you! My name is Luz Marina and I live in Medellin, Colombia!

My house was destroyed, so I would need to ask for a loan at the bank, but before that I need to repay all my debts!

My house was destroyed by landslides that occurred due to a heavy rain

On 14th May of this year, a landslide destroyed my house.

During May, it was raining all day long in my area. The ground of the mountain was loosened during a heavy rain, and a landslide occurred.

It was during the night. At first we didn't understand what was happening but the next day I could see that my house had been destroyed.

We are still waiting for the government to help us, as they promised, but that help is not coming, and I don't know what else to do.

I have some debts due to my financial situation

I'm living with my daughter and my mother in a borrowed shelter house.

My mother is 75 years old, so she is not working, and my daughter is 16 years old. I'm the only one who works in my family, but my monthly income is not enough for the 3 of us.

I've debts because of that, because I have to pay for all our daily expenses with a minimum wage.

In order to get a new house I need to ask for a loan

We need to find a new house for me and my family.

Also, I need to pay for my daughter's education, so I need financial support before February. The only solution is to ask for a loan.

The problem is that until I don't repay the debts I have the loan will never be accepted.

Details on needed funds

I would need $900 to repay the debt. After that I will be able to ask for a loan and help my family. I really need your support!


First thing I will do if I get enough support is to solve my financial situation.

Also, I will pay for my daughter's tuition fee, and that's why I need the funds by February. If I can't collect enough funds I will have to go abroad to get a job with a better salary, and I will have to separate from my family.

I would really appreciate your support! Thank you very much!

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