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My GoPro is Broken and I need a new one to vlog

Cantidad recaudada

688 US$
Objetivo 500 US$

Días restantes 0 días

Este proyecto ha finalizado.

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Se trata de una plataforma de crowdfunding utilizada en 200 países. ¡Todo el mundo puede crear fácilmente un proyecto!

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the flag image of country Anthony Rabanal

Hi everyone! My name is Anthony "a.k.a JOY" Rabanal of Joy Adventures YouTube  channel. 

Recently  I started my YouTube  channel hoping that it will be monetized. 

I lost my job as a Tourist  Guide and my chance to earn  money again was stopped because the GoPro Camera I'm using to record videos for my Youtube channel  was flooded by seawater  and now its BROKEN  

Please help me get a new GoPro Camera and  BE a PART  of my Youtube Channel's  success. 

It would mean the world to me if you will give any amount  so I can buy a new GoPro Camera. 

From the start I made it clear that one of the goal of my YouTube  channel is to help others too. 

I want to promote Palawan again and even accross the globe you can see paradise, watch my adventures and eventually when everything is back I hope to see you all again enjoying nature, going to the beach and having lots of adventures. 

Funding me would help me to get help for others too. All the FUN we have during adventures  will be a FULL  plate for others too. 

 Let's  go for more adventures and make a difference  in everyday  that we live. 

Reminder : 

2 WEEKS would be great to upload new videos again in my YouTube  channel Joy Adventures. 

I hope we could new GoPro camera the soonest. 

Thank you guys ! 




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