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My Dad needs his medications especially pain relievers :(

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Goal $500

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Good day, I am the eldest son of Dean Carl Reyes who is currently admitted in Divine Grace Medical Center because of a Boil or Furuncle in between the butt cheeks, at first we thought it was just a simple boil that will get better after 3 days or less, the eye or the yellow part of the boil wasn't visible so we brought him to the hospital. Because my dad is diabetic, the doctor said that the infection is already spreading and is spreading fast. My dad had already undergone 3 operations and still fighting. He's been crying and screaming in bed for 2 weeks and now we can no longer pay the hospital bills or even buy his medicine. Our hospital bill has reach above 200 000 pesos. He is still in the hospital, and we need 15 000 everyday for his medicine and pain killers. He's our only provider. We don't know where to get the money for my dad's medication. That's why I'm hoping that i could atleast get a small amount of help from you guys. As a son it is really hard for me to see my parent crying and screaming in pain every minute, every day. I'm really doing everything i can as a student. As a son, If only i could transfer all the pain that he's feeling right now, i would.. 

If you want to donate here is my Father's account number in union bank 

Dean Carl Felicia Reyes


I really appreciate your help :( may God bless us all.

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