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I am Ann Nobleza, just turned 32 on the 14th of this month. I have 3 kids and the youngest is at 4.

I am a breadwinner of the family since my husband is just a high school graduate. One of our source of living is having a sari-sari store.

I got Hodgkin Lymphoma Cancer

Last year was a tough year to us. Last January of 2018, I noticed something strange growing on my jaw after I decided to undergo wisdom tooth impacted operation.

Nodes gets visible on the placed where the tooth was extracted. I just took it for granted since as per sayings its natural to have nodes if your in fever or having cough. A weeks after my fever gets worse. I went back to the doctor and was provided medications. On the succeeding week I noticed that all over my neck down to my groin, armpit and on my head some nodes keep growing.

So I went to a physician and some test were made. Since, I don't have enough funds at that time I decided to be checked at one of the public hospitals in Cebu. On my 1st incision biopsy it shows. Suspicious Non Hodgkin Lymphoma. But, not yet final since I was asked to undergo another biopsy to support the 1st one. Since I was in a public hospital I have to wait for 1 month and half for the schedule. Days passed my face got round and I can feel the nodes growing that fast that I can't even sleep.

Then the day comes, biopsy was made and was supported with a final diagnosis of stage 4 Non Hodgkin Lymphoma T-Cells cancer.

My world begun to fall. All the questions I asked of all is: why me? I undergo chemotherapy for 8 sessions and radiation for 25 succeeding days. While I was under treatment I keep going back and forth to the hospital as most of the time my white blood cells went down or I have to be transfused of 2 bags of blood. I never gave up. Even if I want too. I sometimes woke up crying and shouting as depression attacking me.

I'm a Cancer Survivor

Good news was I survived, God heard my prayers. Last April 17,'2019 I was claimed as cancer survivor, not yet free as I have to go PET scans, CT Scans, and lab test to finally claimed the news. Since we really don't have money to do it so I decided to work back as a call center agent despite my condition. I have a goal I want to live longer. Although I am not sure when? But still positive HE will listens.

Hospitalized again, now please help me.

2 months after survival bad news shocks all over my family when a test came out that my cancer cells are very active. And at span of 2 months all the nodes went back. Bad luck was that I can now felt the pain which was not present before.

I loss weight and was hospitalized last week due to severe pneumonia. Water was removed both lungs right was 1.2 liters and left was 500 ml. I even celebrated my birth day at the hospital.

As per advice I have to undergo under biopsy nodes coming from my head and nodes coming from the back of my legs which these are all new nodes. After biopsy, I have to go back to Chemotherapy for more dosages to ease the pain at the same time to cure the feelings. The more amount I will be needing for the new chemotherapy due to different medications and dosages. My doctor told me to make sure to start as soon as possible since one of the reason why the water of my right lungs grows fast in span of 2 days is because it is related to my cancer. I'll be taking the high dose chemo on mid October.

I am humbly asking for your help and understanding, mam/sir.

I would be happy if you could use the [Help by sharing] button to share about my project!


I am admitted since October 13 up to the present due to dypnea. My partial bill is now reach 64,946.50 pesos.

I have to be strong I am hoping to collect more for my upcoming treatment and hospital bills.

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