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I want to ask for your help for my mother’s treatment.

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Goal $1,500

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Hello everyone!

I'm mahalia Lou from Zamboanga City and i am writing this to raise funds for my mother’s continues treatment

Currently we are have a problem in financial, that caused we cannot continue my mother's treatment. So we really needs with your help

My mother suffer from cervical cancer stage III-B

She was diagnosed with Cervical Cancer Stage III-B last August 1, 2018. Her doctor suggested chemotherapy along with radiation and brachytherapy because of the tumor on her cervix is huge and we can’t do surgery.

We were able to perform the treatment through the help of other relatives and we immediately went to Tagum Regional Hospital that was in Davao.

We rented a small room because the treatment will last up to 6 cycles and each cycle and radiation and brachytherapy cost about 9,000 pesos in Philippine money or $173 USD.

We also doing alternative treatment.

As far as i know chemotherapy can damage her immune system but we still agree to perform such treatment because her doctor says it will help cure my mother’s cancer cells.

Seeing her looking pale and weak i came up with a solution of buying an alternative medicine which is a herbal products which I heard on the television, news, research and testimonies that this product can accordingly can cure cancer cells and any illnesses.

My mother also has a hypertension and hyperglycemia that is the other reason why she is always admitted in the hospital prior to her cancer. The alternative medicine we use are King’s Herbal and Sante Barley capsule and juice

We currently lack financial capability

After try and consume several times of that alternative medicine, i’ve seen such improvement in her but unfortunately we can’t continue her alternative medicine because of lack of financial capability.

Beside my mother need to seeing her doctor regularly every week, The alternative medicine for a month spend $230. We are currently in huge debt and on difficulty on continue my mother treatment because of that reason, my income also not stable as i work as a Non-Uniformed Personnel.

Details on needed funds

All collected funds will be use for my mother medical purpose. I want to raise 1500$ that will be use to pay the 6 cycles of chemotherapy : $1050, and we also need to buy alternative medicine for 2 months ahead that cost $460.


We in need to buy upcoming alternative medicine for my mother next month, so she will able to continue her alternative treatment. As for now, i tried to little by little do saving from my income.

I am knocking on your good heart to help us so that we can still be able to continue her treatment and alternative medicine. As of now we are in a huge debt because of her daily needs and for seeing her doctor regularly. I am hoping for your help. Thank you so much, and may God bless your kind heart.

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