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Pls help my mom pay her hospital bills

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Goal $1,500

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the flag image of country Irene Javelosa

Hi everyone! My name is Irene and I am trying to raise a fund to help pay for my mother's hospital bills. She was diagnosed with Renal Cell Carcinoma (kidney cancer) along with other health issues that resulted from complications from her Diabetes. She went through a lot of tests and procedures which caused her total bill to pile up really fast. We are part of a majority of Philippine's population and we are not well off. I have borrowed money from friends and relatives but the amount just somehow covered only the interest and not the principal amount. Sad thing, I had no choice but to resign from work to take care of her while she is in the hospital (I am an only child and my mother was a single mom). 

Unfortunately, my mother passed away last 1 Sep 2019 and the hospital will not release her Death Certificate unless we settle our total bill with them. I tried begging from them to release it but no avail. I tried already asking help from the local government and financial assistance agencies here in Manila but the amount I have collected is not that much. 

Please, please help me. I am still mourning for the loss of the only person who did her very best to raise me alone and yet I cannot fully mourn for her as I need to go around and seek for financial help to pay the hospital so that they will released my mother's death certificate. I know that there are people like me, who at one point in their life, went through the same ordeal as I am going through right now. I just don't know what to do anymore. 

Whatever amount you can donate for my mom is a big help and I'm sure will put a big smile on my mama's face. Thank you everyone, in advance.

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