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Dear everyone, my name is Sharon Rosete Delos reyes, living in Pangil Laguna, Philippines. I am knocking of the door of your kind hearts on behalf of my one-year old daughter, NANCY JHENICA ROSETE GEANGA who is diagnosed with a Congenital Heart Disease, Perimembranous.


                 My daughter, Nancy Jhenica was born on September 22, 2018. She's the youngest of my 3 kids. My older son and her 8-year old sister were so excited for having a baby sister.

                 In February of this year 2019, she was confined in one of the hospital in Calamba, Laguna due to Pneumonia. However, the attending physicians observed another some underlying symptoms other than Pneumonia after taking some laboratory test. The doctor have found out that our baby Nancy has a hole in her heart and was diagnosed with a Congenital Heart Disease. As a family, we were all saddened by this news knowing that our baby was very cheerful and playful without any hint of her syndrome. What we only observed were that she was smaller than her average age. every time she would drink milk from her bottle, she would gasp for her breath as if she has having difficulty in breathing.

                  Her doctor said that we have to wait that she would reach one year old before taking decisions whether she needs an operation or not. We seek another opinion and advice from Philippine Heart Center. With the same advice, we were recommended to wait until Nancy reaches one year old and would go back to the Philippine Heart Center again for laboratory. While waiting for her first birthday, we just continue oral medicine that would help her heart. Nancy remains cheerful, playful, and a happy baby despite of her condition.


                   Finally, on September 23, 2019 we went back to Philippine Heart Center. After knowing the result of the 2D Echo laboratory, the doctor this time recommended already for a HEART SURGERY after having a final interpretation of her lab result with a VENTRICULAR SEPTAL DEFECT, PERIMEMBRANOUS. She has the enlargement of the heart and the hole in her heart need to be closed.


                    My family is very much worried of the condition of Nancy Jhenica. We were told that the estimated amount for heart surgery is between 250 to 500 thousand pesos (5000-10000 US Dollar ).

By October, we will go back again to the Philippine Heart Center for other details. My husband is the only one working and I am jobless. I am helping my husband in providing needs for our 3 kids selling snacks (banana fritters, ice candy, native delicacies)in front of our house. With the estimated amount of heart surgery, our family cannot afford to spend that much money for the treatment of our youngest daughter, Nancy. We are also asking the financial support of our friends and relatives and other social service that could lessen our expenses.

                     With this fund raising campaign, we hope to raise a fund of $3,000 to support the medical needs for the heart surgery and treatment of my daughter. Any amount is indeed a big help for our family and  is truly appreciated.

                    We will also try to seek help for other people. I hope also that our goverment officials can offer some support.


                    As a parent, I desire to see my daughter Nancy Jhenica to grow as a happy and a healthy girl. With her condition, I know that this somehow saddens my heart. Yet, I am offering everything to the lord that this trying moments in my family will be resolved. God blesses a cheerful giver and i am humbly  knocking at the door of your generous hearts for the sake of my daughter.

                     I am so grateful for whatever support that you could offer for Nancy Jhenica. Thank you also for all your prayers, and moral support for my family.

                      I would be glad also if you could use the HELP BY SHARING BUTTON to share about my fund raising project for my daughter.

                      Thank you so much! God bless your kind and generous hearts.

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