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We lost a staff, a friend and a loving Father and a Husband

Gesammelter Betrag

2.380 $
Ziel 1.500 $

Verbleibende Tage 0 Tage

Dieses Projekt ist beendet.

Was ist Airfunding?

Dies ist eine Crowdfunding-Plattform, die von fast 200 Ländern im Einsatz. Jeder leicht ein Projekt erstellen kann!

Personen, die geteilt haben 6


the flag image of country Reynold Cainto

Jieboy is our rigging and lifting supervisor in ALE-Mammoet Philippines. He was involved on our major projects including JGS Petrochem project. Unfortunately, on Dec 29, 2020, on his way home from our last heavylift work, he had a motor cycle accident that took his life. He left his wife and 3 young kids, one with autism and the youngest at 3 with kidney problem and still on medication. I would like to knock on your kind hearts so that we can help raise some money to help his family on this tragic incident.

Any amount would be a big help.

Thank you.

Hilf, indem Du teilst


Anzahl an Beiträgen

Was ist Airfunding?

Dies ist eine Crowdfunding-Plattform, die von fast 200 Ländern im Einsatz. Jeder leicht ein Projekt erstellen kann!

Betreute Zeiten 31

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