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I need help to repay a student loan!

المبلغ الذي تم جمعه

‏٢٧٣ US$
الغاية ‏٦٨٥ US$

الأيام المتبقية 0 أيام

لقد اكتمل هذا المشروع.

ما هو Airfunding؟

هو منصة تمويل الجماعي استخدام هذا قبل ما يقرب من 200 دولة. أي شخص يمكن بسهولة إنشاء المشروع!

الأشخاص الذين قاموا بعمل مشاركة 0

لنكن أول من يساعد!

المزيد من الناس سيعرفون عن المشروع عن طريق المشاركة وسيكون من المرجح أن يتم دعمه.


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Nice to meet you! My name is Adhefia and I'm from Indonesia!

I need to repay a student loan but I can't find the way to do it. That's why I decided to open a project in Airtripp Funding!

I'm working everyday to be able to repay the loan

I'm studying at University, but to be able to repay my debt, I am also working daily as a barista.

My parents had a difficult situation last year and they couldn't pay my school fee. I was about to quit University, but I tried to ask for a loan.

Fortunately I could keep studying but now I'm not able to repay my debts.

I'm worry everyday, thinking about the loan, working many hours a week without being able to save enough to solve this. It's really frustrating.

The interests are increasing

It's a huge amount of money what I need to pay back, and I'm not able to do it by my self.

Because of the interests the amount I need to give back is increasing.

I just get $35 every month in my job, even I'm working so many hours.

I'm living alone because my family is in my home town. I have to attend school, work more than 50 hours a week and also pay for my expenses. It's impossible!

My parents recommended to quit school

My parents say that the only solution for me is to quit school.

For my parents is difficult to support me, as they are also taking care of my 3 siblings.

I don't want to quit school, so I need to pay back the loan. My salary is so low that I don't know how I'm going to do it.

Details on needed funds

Please, help me raise $685 for repaying the loan. Thank you very much!


If I get enough support, I will pay the loan immediately.

If I'm able to do it I will keep studying and I will graduate. Then, I will be able to find a good job and support also my siblings so they don't have to go through the same bad situation as me.

I don't know what to do if I don't receive support. I just can ask for another loan, I think.

Without help I will have to quit college, so I would really appreciate your help!

المساعدة عن طريق المشاركة


عدد المنشورات

ما هو Airfunding؟

هو منصة تمويل الجماعي استخدام هذا قبل ما يقرب من 200 دولة. أي شخص يمكن بسهولة إنشاء المشروع!

عدد مرات الدعم 5

فقط مع الهاتف الذكي الخاص بك، يمكنك أن تبدأ بسهولة تمويل الجماعي فراغك الآن. هل ترغب في محاولة وصناديق جمع باستخدام Airfunding؟

  • منصة تمويل الجماعي فريدة من نوعها حيث يمكن جمع الأموال من المؤيدين من أكثر من 200 دولة
  • بدء المشاريع الخاصة بك مجانا
  • سيتم ترجمة المشروع الخاص بك تلقائيا للعالم أن يرى

يمكن العثور على تدفق من إنشاء المشروع حتى تلقي أموالك من هنا

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