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I want to open new jobs for those who do not have jobs

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Sasaran USD 1,000

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I want to open new jobs for those who do not have jobs because they have never attended school and are unemployed so that they can send their children to school and be successful

I have pioneered it with a little capital but stopped because I got a partner who was less competent so that the capital ran out, and I now want to pioneer myself

the business I do is cheap clothing business and I plan to develop it, and as I said above, this business can be run by anyone so that it can be run by those who have low education and even school children can do it, but the problem is there must be who started and facilitated them and I was ready to become their facilitator by utilizing funds from you

funds collected from benefactors here will be used to buy goods from convection, and we will offer from house to house these items, as well as to introduce this business to the public,

We do plan not to rent a building first because we want to give an example to them that they do not have to have land to open a business, willingness and determination are the key

the little you give is very meaningful to them

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Apakah itu Airfunding?

Ini adalah platform crowdfunding digunakan oleh hampir 200 negara. Sesiapa sahaja boleh membuat projek!

Jumlah sokongan 0

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  • Platform crowdfunding unik di mana anda boleh mengumpul dana daripada penyokong dari lebih daripada 200 buah negara
  • Memulakan projek anda secara percuma
  • Projek anda akan diterjemahkan secara automatik untuk dunia

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