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I want to improve my business to be able to support my family!

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Target US$500

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Mari jadi yang pertama membantu!

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the flag image of country BLESSING ROBERT^_^
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Hello all! My name is Blessings and I'm from Nigeria!

I have 3 children and I would like them to be able to go to college, graduate and have a successful future. For that, I need some help to improve my business so I can get more benefits!

Worrying about not being able to afford all our expenses

I divorced 15 years ago.

Since then I've being raising my children alone and with my own effort. Two of my children are currently attending college and the other is at school. It's almost impossible to keep paying their shool fees with my current monthly income!

Eventually I will have to pay my youngest child university fee, and that is something I can't afford.

I'm also taking care of my mum. We are 5 person living with 1 income source. It's really difficult!

$30 for 5 people

My job consists on getting products like milk, soap etc. from wholesales and sell them at retail to little shops, at the streets, etc.

My monthly income is not secure because of that. Weather, health and many other things affects my production. If I could own a shop and sell in it, I know that my benefit will be much better!

The solution to this bad situation my family has is this. To have my own shop to sell my products there. My benefits will increase and I will be able to support my family.

If my children don't graduate they won't have a good job!

The most important thing for me is to give my children the future they deserve.

They need to graduate to be able to find a good job and have a bright future. I can't do this without your help!

If I just could receive some support to open my shop, I will be able to support my family!

Details on needed funds

I would like to rase $500 that will help me to rent a space and get the equipment I need to open a shop.


If I manage to receive enough support I will use the funds to rent a space and open my shop.

In the future, with the benefits I will support my family and pay my children's school fees.

If I success I think I would be able also to hire some staff.

This is my last hope to support my family, so I would really appreciate your help! Thank you very much!

Bantu dengan berbagi


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Apa Airfunding?

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