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I want to build a Christian Temple for My Community

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USD 114
Sasaran USD 1,500

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My name is Herley Mosquera Mosquera pastor present in a small community of Andes Antioquia, 4 hours from Medellin Colombia.

I used to work as a Civil Engineer and I worked for a good company in Medellin, where I received the call of God to come to the Missions in this beautiful community, preaching the Gospel full time and we are seeing how God by his grace has been supporting us and Blessing, where many people have converted to the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, we are now 35 Baptized Adults, 10 children, and a group of more than 70 supporters who want to give their lives to the Lord.

We are currently meeting in an old house and we want to build a Temple with a Pastoral House and a parking lot for everyone who arrives.

Our Vision is to build a place of preaching where the community feels more comfortable to praise our great God, that the place is more attractive for the people who are arriving, and also be a pride for the community in general, showing how it progresses and the work of God grows throughout the world.

The construction budget has an approximate cost of 85,000 USD, that is 250 million Colombian pesos, between labor and materials.

Currently we have 1000 USD, 3 million Colombian pesos, for which we are looking for support for this great Work.

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Jumlah sokongan 6

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