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I want to bring my disabled father to stay with me

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목표 US$1,000

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세계 200 개국 이상에서 사용되는 크라우드 펀딩 플랫폼입니다. 누구나 쉽게 프로젝트를 시작할 수 있습니다!

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My father is currently staying in an old folks home. He has Parkinson disease for more than 10 years, disabled, not able to walk, bathe, eat or do anything by himself. He is wheelchair-bound. I never get to live with my father before all my live as I was taken care by my late grandparents. Now I finally got my own 2-room flat and has been my wish to bring my father to stay with me so that I can look after him during his golden years.

However I am facing financial difficulties. I am unemployed and I am seeking financial assistance to pay-off the old folks homes' arrears so he can be  discharged, and also buying some other logistics needs like wheelchair, hospital bed, grab bars etc. 

Besides for my father, I would also need some assistance for myself, to clear my outstanding bills for the flat, utilities and food. I am a hypertension and heart patient and I had to skip my hospital appointment as I had no money to even take the bus there. I have been surviving on noodles daily that I often got stomach flu and fall sick easily nowadays.

I hope there are some kind Samaritans out there to help lighten my problems. I would really appreciate it and may God bless you. Million thanks.

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세계 200 개국 이상에서 사용되는 크라우드 펀딩 플랫폼입니다. 누구나 쉽게 프로젝트를 시작할 수 있습니다!

후원된 횟수 0

스마트 폰 하나로 쉽게 시작 무료 크라우드 펀딩. Airfunding에서 자금을 모아 보지 않겠습니까?

  • 200 개국 이상의 사람에서 지원을받을 수 밖에없는 플랫폼
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  • 당신의 프로젝트는 번역되어 전세계 사람들에게 보일 수 있습니다.

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