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I want to treat my heart disease!

Jumlah terkumpul

USD 63
Sasaran USD 450

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Greetings everyone! My name is Gaurav, and I am from Delhi, India.

I want to treat a heart disease that I have been having!

Suffering a heart disease since 16 years ago

16 years ago, I have been diagnosed with a heart disease.

My heart is very weak in pumping blood, and so cannot keep up the circulation of blood very well. The doctor who diagnosed me told me that "If you do not undergo a surgery, it will cause you trouble in the future".

However, my family is poor an we cannot afford said surgery.

In recent months things turned worse, and I have been starting to experience symptoms of suffocations, chest pain and general tiredness. I would really like to undergo the surgery, but is just not affordable.

Cannot save money due to living conditions

I am a merchant, and I earn a meek $130 a month.

As I am living alone, I need to pay the rent and living expenses myself. It is hard for me to save money due to these circumstances. I did try to save, and I only manage to save $100 over 4 months.

At this rate, it may take literally a lifetime before I could afford the surgery.

No family to depend on

As my condition has been getting worse, I would like to undergo the surgery as soon as possible.

However, I do not have anyone close that I can borrow money from. I lost my father 10 years ago, and 7 years later my mother passed too due to sickness. And I also do not have other relatives that can lend me money.

Obviously, my friends are also not in a condition to help me for this predicament.

I also thought of taking a loan, but with my job, I don't think it can be possible. So please, I hope for everyone's support so I can treat my condition!

Details on needed funds

I need to pay the medical fees and the surgery itself, so I need $550. I would like to ask for help for $450 of the total amount. The rest will be paid by me!


After I have collected the funds, I will undergo the surgery at once.

If possible, I would like to undergo the surgery the latest during the middle of 2019. If this project does not work, I am thinking of getting a loan.

Please everyone, I hope for your honest supports!

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