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I want to travel to China and use all acquired knowledge in Pakistan

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Target US$800

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Hello! My name is Rabbani and I'm from Pakistan!

In the future I would like to become a Chinese teacher in my country, and also guide Chinese tourist that visit Pakistan. Because of that, I would like to travel to China and get to know more about this wonderful country!

I want to experience China!

I like China since middle school. I got really impressed by the fast development of this country by investigating about China.

Since I wanted to know why China was so economically successful, I investigated by myself facts about economy, history and culture. I also knew that China invests in my own country!

After that I started to immerse myself in that complicated but wonderful language.

I started to imagine myself living in China, enjoying its culture and learning more and more about the country and visit it became my dream, that I'm trying to fulfill working as English teacher (although my monthly income is around $ 50).

I want to teach Chinese in my country

After graduating I would like to spend some time in China to improve my language skills.

Doing that I think I would be able to make my dream come true: to teach Chinese in Pakistan and guide Chinese tourists. That's would be my ideal job!

There are many Chinese tourists in my country, so I think it's a nice idea.

Details on needed funds

For this first experience in China I need $ 1,200. I will try to save $400, and I hope to receive enough support to receive $800, that is what I need for this project. I would really appreciate your help!


I would like to travel to China next year, during my college holidays, if possible during 2 weeks. During that time I will try to enjoy and learn as much as I can about this amazing country!

Also, I would like to meet my Airtripp friends, if possible, and look for information to spend more time studying Chinese in the future.

Thank you very much in advance for helping me with this dream!

Bantu dengan berbagi


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Apa Airfunding?

Ini adalah sebuah platform crowdfunding digunakan oleh hampir 200 negara. Siapapun dapat dengan mudah membuat sebuah proyek!

Jumlah dukungan 7

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