airtripp crowdfunding project main image


I want to travel to the country of my dreams, Japan, and meet my friends!

المبلغ الذي تم جمعه

‏١٣١ US$
الغاية ‏١٬٤٥٠ US$

الأيام المتبقية 0 أيام

لقد اكتمل هذا المشروع.

ما هو Airfunding؟

هو منصة تمويل الجماعي استخدام هذا قبل ما يقرب من 200 دولة. أي شخص يمكن بسهولة إنشاء المشروع!

الأشخاص الذين قاموا بعمل مشاركة 0

لنكن أول من يساعد!

المزيد من الناس سيعرفون عن المشروع عن طريق المشاركة وسيكون من المرجح أن يتم دعمه.


the flag image of country Lovely
this is an icon showing user is verified تم التحقق من تحديد الهوية

Hi everyone!

I'm Xyrine Shein from Bacolod, Philippines!

I want to fulfill a dream: to be able to visit Japan and meet all my friends to thank them for their support in person!

I'm really thankful for all the support I've received so far!

Last year I opened my first project in Airtripp Funding to help my best friend.

I collected $1,070 that I gave to her family. This year I raised funds to help my family to fix our old house, damaged by a typhoon and I have been supported again.

I feel amazed by all the kindness of my Japanese (and of course also my Koreans) friends. I'm feeling like the happiest person for being able to receive so much help! This time I would like to fulfill a dream: to be able to visit Japan and meet all my friends in person!

I love Japan since I was a child!

I always loved to read magazines to see beautiful pictures from other parts of the world. Once day, I discovered Japan in one of those articles.

I got really interested by the culture and the amazing places of that beautiful country and finally it became the country of my dreams.

I started to use Airtripp to be able to make Japanese friends.

Seing their posts I found out an amazing culture, country and people. That's how I started to dream of travelling to Japan someday.

It's really difficult for me to save money

I've a job, so I feel lucky. But salaries in my countries are quite low.

I have a very big family with 9 siblings and I try to collaborate as much as I can with the daily expenses, as my mum can't handle them all with her farmer income.

Plus, I also have to pay for my own expenses. It's really difficult for me to make ends meet.

Details on needed funds

I would like to raise $1,450 to be able to pay the flight ticket to Japan, the lodging, transportation and other expenses. I would try to do my best to save something until then too!


If I manage to collect enough funds I would be able to travel to Japan on September of this year.

If possible, I would like to visit Tokyo, Nara, Osaka, Fukuoka... In case I can't reach the target I will reduce the cities to visit and also the number of days I will stay.

In case I can't receive support I promise I won't give up. I will keep doing by best to be able to make this dream come true in the future!

Even if it takes me several years to be able to travel to Japan and meet my dear friends! I hope you can support me to make this dream come true!

المساعدة عن طريق المشاركة


عدد المنشورات

ما هو Airfunding؟

هو منصة تمويل الجماعي استخدام هذا قبل ما يقرب من 200 دولة. أي شخص يمكن بسهولة إنشاء المشروع!

عدد مرات الدعم 9

فقط مع الهاتف الذكي الخاص بك، يمكنك أن تبدأ بسهولة تمويل الجماعي فراغك الآن. هل ترغب في محاولة وصناديق جمع باستخدام Airfunding؟

  • منصة تمويل الجماعي فريدة من نوعها حيث يمكن جمع الأموال من المؤيدين من أكثر من 200 دولة
  • بدء المشاريع الخاصة بك مجانا
  • سيتم ترجمة المشروع الخاص بك تلقائيا للعالم أن يرى

يمكن العثور على تدفق من إنشاء المشروع حتى تلقي أموالك من هنا

ابدأ جمع التبرعات الآن