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I want to increase the poultry production in Benin and create employment in my city!

Toplanmış miktar

Hedef $960

Kalan gün sayısı 0 gün

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Hello! My name is Nadine and I'm from Porto Novo, Benin.

I'm asking for help to be able to improve and expand my poultry business and increase the employment in my city.

It's something I can't do alone

My country is one of the poorest countries in the world.

Despite that Benin imports about 100,000 tons of frozen chicken each year. I've always thought that we could create employment by producing chicken locally, and that's why I made my poultry farm.

I've lived in France during 2 years, improving my education for my future. France was really nice, but I wanted to fulfill my dream in my beloved country.

After taking a huge effort I managed to open a poultry farm somehow. However, I can't not make this humble company any bigger as all I used my savings to open the farm.

I aim to hire up to 20 people

Currently, there is only one employee. The business has a very low productivity and low profit because everything is done manually.

If I could use machines the productivity would increase, the profits will also increase and more people can be hired. The more employment I have, the more I can contribute to the economic development of my city.

I'm willing to hire people and create employement!

I hope to make my dream come true with your collaboration!

Details on needed funds

For this first phase I need $1,260. I will use my own savings of $ 300, so what I need would be the total of $960.


If I receive the funds I will start ordering machinery like an automatic incubator and other materials, and also will start hiring new employees.

When the productivity increases and we have more profit, we will be adding other needed equipment.

This is my chance to make my dream come true, and your collaboration would be really appreciated!

My life and the life of my community could change just with a little help. Thank you!

Paylaşarak yardım edin


Gönderi sayısı

Airfunding nedir?

Bu 200 ülke tarafından bir crowdfunding platformu kullanılır. Herkes kolayca bir proje oluşturabilirsiniz!

Destek sayısı 15

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