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Education for Deila

Importo raccolto

293 USD
Obiettivo 500 USD

Giorni rimasti 0 giorni

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Questa è una piattaforma di crowdfunding utilizzato da quasi 200 paesi. Chiunque può creare facilmente un progetto!

Persone che hanno condiviso 3


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On May 28th, I travelled to Indonesia to visit my grandma for her 94th birthday. Arriving at her home, I noticed a new edition to the household. A small pair of hands held the front gates open , and there stood an Indonesian girl that spoke in a gentle voice when I asked for her name, to which she replied 'Deila'. She is 7 years old and lives with her mother, who is an in-home carer for grandma. 

I had spent most of the day with Deila, playing card games and teaching her ABC's.  To my suprise, I had been told that she doesn't know how to read. I was also concerned that she was not attending school. Attending school in Indonesia is not mandatory, and so her mother thought it be best that Deila stay indoors with her. However, my family thinks that it is vital for her to receive education. Deila will attend a local school starting the beginning of June, hearing this news was absolutely beautiful. 

I want to help prepare her for school which will require materials such as books, uniform and pocket money for her own use. Her family is relatively poor with limited resources and level education. Anything you can afford to donate both Deila and her mother will be kindly appreciated.

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Che cosa è Airfunding?

Questa è una piattaforma di crowdfunding utilizzato da quasi 200 paesi. Chiunque può creare facilmente un progetto!

Numero di finanziamenti ricevuti 13

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