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Help extending my mom’s life ??

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Good day and happy holidays!

I am here to share my mom’s story and to ask a little prayer for my mom as she is in ICU (Intensive Care Unit) as of this moment. She’s been in the ICU since December 21st of 2019. Hoping also that this platform would be able to help us with our expenses in the hospital. Please take time to read.

My mom has been having troubles breathing few weeks before August ended. I decided to bring her to a hospital to have her checked cos aside from having a hard time breathing and somewhat, choking, she’s been having fever almost everyday until she sleeps at night. However, during the night time, she was having a hard time sleep cos the flow of oxygen wasn’t enough. 

The initial finding of the first specialist was hypothyroidism cos her neck and face started swelling. She had labworks and x-ray done and was told that she needs to see a General Surgeon to have a biopsy done. 

When we were referred to see a general surgeon, she asked for the X-Ray plates but it was not clearly seen what was needed to be done. The surgeon then ordered CT Scan on her Thoracic/Neck/Chest area to have a clearer picture on what was causing the trouble of breathing and swelling.

After few days, we got the result of the CT scan and  we were told that my mom has a high percentage of Cancer (70% per the surgeon). Per the CT Scan results, it showed that my mom has a Superior Vena Cava Syndrome. She has tumor on the superior vena cava, the largest nerve carrying blood from the head, neck, upper chest, and arms to the heart. Since there is a tumor, it is blocking the blood supply going to the said body parts which caused my mom the swelling of her face and neck. We’ve also seen the nerves on her chest starting to show up and it’s darker than the usual. 

After the appointment with the surgeon, we were then referred to a TCVS (Thoracic Cardiovascular Surgeon) for the biopsy. The TCVS did review the CT Scan plates as she would need to know on how she would go with the procedure but the tumor was too deep and too big that it has to gro through series of radiation therapy. As per the TCVS, cancer cells/tumors are very responsive/reactive to radiation. So, then, the TCVS wrote a referral to an Oncologist so we’ll be able to know what kind of cancer my mom has. But we were referred to a Radiation Oncologist first before we would know what kind of treatment can be done for the cancer. 

Mom had her radiation therapy for 10 sessions and each session was at high dosage. Fast forward. We then returned to the TCVS and we were asked to have a a clearance from the pulmonologist and cardiologist. So, after a couple of weeks, we’ve accomplished what we were told to do.

Last December 20th, mom was admitted at Philippine Heart Center for her biopsy. The procedure was done on December 21, 2019 and it lasted for 3.5 hours. The procedure was supposed to only last for max of 2 hours but the TCVS did call me saying that they were unable to continue with the procedure because mom was bleeding non-stop and they could not get a specimen sample due to the excessive bleeding. So they did get the fatty cells surrounding the tumor, hoping that a specimen would be found in the fatty cells.

Mom was then brought to the ICU for her recovery. Her blood pressure went up to 200+ since the body was still in state of shock but then went down after a few hours. After about 2 hours, one of the cardiologists went out of the ICU to inform me that my mom would need to have a mechanical ventilator installed thru her mouth. They put a tube onto her mouth to help her breathe because she was having carbon dioxide retention which may lead to cardiac arrest. I was in so much fear of losing my Mom cos this complication was not foreseen. Later that day, mom was showing signs of fast recovery. They later on adjusted the mechanical ventilator to its lowest setting from time to time to help her practice breathing on her own until her oxygen saturation went back to 99% which was very good for her state. The only thing that the nurses and doctors were monitoring was her blood pressure as it was playing around 150-170. 

We are now in the regular room, hoping for her speeding recovery and healing so we can go home already. 

I am here on this platform to humbly ask for financial assistance on our hospital bills. We would be forever grateful and thankful for your help.

May the good One above bless us all


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