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Fund recently blind musician Brandol for music equipment

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Goal $1,450

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Hi everyone!

Hola a todos!

I'm Michael from Canada. I've started this page for my friend in Medellin, Colombia: Brandol. Brandol is a Youtube singer who became blind due to a chronic kidney problem, just recently. You can see his work on Will & Brandol Youtube channel.

Soy Michael de Canada. Comencé esta página para mi amigo Brandol en Medellin, Colombia, que es un cantante en youtube, un artista que se quedó ciego debido a un problema renal crónico que le elevó la presión arterial y afecto su visión. Puedes ver su trabajo en el canal de YouTube Will & Brandol.

In addition to become blind, he also need dialysis treatment. It all caused the abandonment of his career and his band.

A demás recibe tratamiento de diálisis, provocando el abandono de su carrera y de su equipo de trabajo.

His blindness has also stolen from Brandol the gift of seeing his baby boy born - he will not be able to look upon his baby and see what his son looks like at this time. The doctors and he are hopeful to slowly recover vision but there is no way to tell for sure. God willing, his vision will return in the future so that at least he can look upon the photos of his 1 month year old son and see what he looked like in the beginning.

Su ceguera también le ha robado a Brandol el regalo de ver a su bebé nacer: no podrá mirar a su bebé y ver cómo se ve su hijo en este momento. Los médicos y él esperan recuperar lentamente la visión, pero no hay forma de saberlo con certeza.

Brandol Music Project Goals

Objetivos del proyecto Brandol Music

His artistic career was growing under social projects, aimed at young victims of violence and drug addiction in their neighborhoods in Medellin, Colombia which has undergone incredible changes, modernization and social improvements.

Su carrera artística estuvo creciendo bajo proyectos sociales, dirigidos a jóvenes víctimas de la violencia y drogadicción en sus barrios de Medellín, Colombia, que ha experimentado cambios increíbles, modernización y mejoras sociales.

Sadly, his involvement in these projects has been suspended due to his state of health and the lack of material resources to work, record, create music and projects. His current situation prevents him from taking another job too. And from his music band, there are only two friends left. The rest of the team left him when they found out that his health is getting worse. They must thought there was no way to continue the project with him.

Esto ha estado suspendido debido a su estado de salud y la falta de recursos materiales para trabajar, grabar, crear música y proyectos. Su dificultad le impide tomar otro empleo y de su banda de música solo quedan dos amigos, el resto del equipo lo abandonaron al ver su situación de salud viendo todo perdido.

Help Brandol to restart his music career

Ayuda a Brandol a reiniciar su carrera musical

With your help by funding music equipment, Brandol can restart his singing career in Medellin. His band has left him so all he has now is you to help.

Con su ayuda financiaremos equipos de música, Brandol podra reiniciar su proyecto social y su carrera como cantante en Medellín.

It was the painful loss. He lost not only of his vision, but he also loss all equipment for singing and music recording. He don't even have access to the studio and any new studio rent would cost Brandol too much at this point.

Su banda anterior lo abandonó y obviamente no pudieron dejar de lado sus objetivos y esperarlo, y cualquier estudio nuevo le costaría demasiado a Brandol en este momento alquilarlo.

He has recently become a proud young father, which is a silver lining but he needs your help to raise funds so he can restart his singing career with the basics music equipment.

Recientemente se ha convertido en un orgulloso padre joven, lo cual es un resquicio de esperanza,

Plan and Schedule

Planificar y programar

All funds will go directly to getting a microphone, computer, software and keyboard and to help Brandol share his music on youtube as a soloist or with a new band.

Todos los fondos irán directamente a obtener un micrófono, computadora, software y equipo de sonido, es la primera prioridad.

The local music scene means a lot to Brandol and being recently blind, regardless of that that trauma, should not hinder nor stop him from continuing to sing and create a new band.

La escena musical local significa mucho para Brandol y ser ciego recientemente, independientemente de ese trauma, no debería obstaculizar ni impedir que continúe soñando.

A blind person should never have to lose their gift of singing which he still has and I'm hoping you are like-minded and will help Brandol continue his passion so that one day his baby boy and the world can enjoy this young father's songs.

Una persona ciega nunca debería perder su regalo de la canción y espero que tenga ideas afines y esté dispuesto a ayudar a Brandol a continuar su pasión para que un día su bebé pueda crecer ,escuchar las canciones de su padre y muchos jóvenes salgan de la violencia.

Thank you to everyone in advance who is able to help donate as well as sharing!

¡Gracias a todos de antemano que pueden ayudar a donar y compartir!

I would be happy if you could use the [Help by sharing] button to share about my project!

¡Me encantaría que pudieras usar el botón [Ayuda compartiendo] para compartir sobre mi proyecto!

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