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I want to make a gym for my community!

모인 금액

목표 US$1,200

잔여일수 0 일

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세계 200 개국 이상에서 사용되는 크라우드 펀딩 플랫폼입니다. 누구나 쉽게 프로젝트를 시작할 수 있습니다!

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도움을 주는 첫 번째 사람이 되어 볼까요!

공유를 통해 더 많은 사람들이 프로젝트에 대해 알게되고 그러면 후원을 받기가 더욱 쉬워집니다.


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Hello all! I'm Awosanmi Hammid Babawale and I live in Ile ife, Nigeria.

My dream is to make a gym and training space for my comunity, so they can stay fit, and that's why I'm asking for your help!

People in the neighborhood suffering from obesity and stress

I'm currently working as a fitness instructor here in my neighborhood.

Many people living in my neighborhood suffer from obesity and stress. Healthy food is expensive and it's really difficult to stay healthy in these conditions. I want to create a space for them to exercise and improve their health.

In this neighborhood there are many people who want to exercise, but we don't have a training place.

The space is not the problem, but I would need help to be able to purchase the equipment needed to create a proper gym.

A gym for everybody

I know that it's a very expensive dream, so I will go step by step.

But if in the future I'm able to save enough money, I will improve the gym until having an awesome training space for everyone of this community and others.

To exercise is really important for both, young people and aged people.

Here, there are young guys who want to practice boxing to become profesional, and they don't have a space. And as I explained, people that can't afford healthy food and the only way to keep their health is by doing sport.

To be able to help all of them, I would need your help too!

Details on needed funds

I'm planning to buy different equipments like multi station, power rack, material to set a boxing stage, a boxing stand, etc. To start, I need $2,200. As I've saved $1,000, what I actually need is $1,200.


As soon as I get the funds I will start purchasing the equipment so I can launch the space as soon as possible.

I will keep doing my best for this dream, even if I don't receive enough support. I will use everything I receive to make a gym, however long it takes!

Thank you in advance for your help!

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세계 200 개국 이상에서 사용되는 크라우드 펀딩 플랫폼입니다. 누구나 쉽게 프로젝트를 시작할 수 있습니다!

후원된 횟수 2

스마트 폰 하나로 쉽게 시작 무료 크라우드 펀딩. Airfunding에서 자금을 모아 보지 않겠습니까?

  • 200 개국 이상의 사람에서 지원을받을 수 밖에없는 플랫폼
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  • 당신의 프로젝트는 번역되어 전세계 사람들에게 보일 수 있습니다.

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