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SPARK Collection for Nabil's surgery

Cantidad recaudada

1530 US$
Objetivo 1500 US$

Días restantes 0 días

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the flag image of country Sarah

Dear SPARKies, 

Our fantastic colleague, Nabil Halwani, Regional Communications Expert based in Istanbul, has recently suffered an injury to his jaw and teeth. He fainted and when he fell he sustained the injuries. 

He is now in need of surgery but unfortunately the injuries are considered 'cosmetic' so will not be covered by his health insurance. 

We're hoping to raise some money for him to help him cover the costs of the surgery - around €1800.

If there is any amount you can contribute, however small or large, this would be hugely appreciated and it will help Nabil to get back on his feet as soon as possible. 

Let's show him some SPARK magic and make it happen! 

Colabora compartiendo


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Número de donaciones 29

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