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I need help to pay the tuition fee for University!

Toplanmış miktar

Hedef $1.030

Kalan gün sayısı 0 gün

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Nice to meet you! My name is Sherifdeen Adeyemi and I'm from Lagos, Nigeria.

My dream is to become an engineer, and to be able to achieve this dream, I need to go back to studying.

Economic difficulties

I want to go to college and study to become a great engineer in the future.

To be honest, I couldn't keep studying because of economic difficulties. Studying costs money that me or my family couldn't afford at that moment.

Currently I'm working as a barber and my monthly income is about $50. It's almost impossible to pay school with such income.

I'm ready to start studying!

I've already started with all the preparations and paperwork to enter school.

The school I want to study in is Kwara State Polytechnic. If I get enough funds to pay the school fees, my dream could be a reality!

I want to improve myself, grow and become a good engineer in the future, and for that I need your help.

Aiming to become an engineer

I think I could make many things if I become an engineer.

When I graduate I would like to find a good job and keep improving my skills. I would like to create nice things for my country!

Also, with a good job, I would be able to give support to my family and my friends. That's my dream.

Details on needed funds

I need $1,150 to be able to pay the school fee. I've saved $120 so with $1,030 would be enough!


After receiving the funds I will pay the tuition fee.

The deadline is October of this year. That would be the best but if I'm not on time I can wait till the next call and keep saving money in the meanwhile.

I'm committed to do my best, to study a lot and become a great engineer.

Please, help me to reach that bright future that I believe is waiting for me!

Paylaşarak yardım edin


Gönderi sayısı

Airfunding nedir?

Bu 200 ülke tarafından bir crowdfunding platformu kullanılır. Herkes kolayca bir proje oluşturabilirsiniz!

Destek sayısı 2

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