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Help me to build my PC and start my dream!

Jumlah terkumpul

USD 670
Sasaran USD 1,400

Baki hari 0 hari

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the flag image of country Cíntia Macêdo

Hello, my name is Cintia Macedo and my friends call me Cizza. I am a 25 yro brazilian journalist that loves to stay online!

For 4 years i've been using laptops to use for simple tasks for work and entertainment. But since the beginning of this year, i've been trying to build my own pc to do more than a simple task. My dream is to start working as freelancer (making videos and editing images) for brands and streaming games in the livestreaming service, called Twitch.

The only problem is that the salary that i've been saving for a year is not enough to buy a pc, when a complete and decent pc (cpu, gpu, power supply, RAM, motherboard, HD or SSD, keyboard, monitor, mouse and headset) can cost between R$ 5.000,00 to R$ 9.000 (approximately 900 USD ~1635 USD), like it shows in the picture below.

With your support, which can be sharing my story to others or even donating, would help me a lot! Any type of support is important to me, because it can make my dreams be true. 

With love, Cizza ♥

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Apakah itu Airfunding?

Ini adalah platform crowdfunding digunakan oleh hampir 200 negara. Sesiapa sahaja boleh membuat projek!

Jumlah sokongan 5

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