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To support more women delivering their babies safe and clean

Cantidad recaudada

175 US$
Objetivo 998 US$

Días restantes 0 días

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the flag image of country Namugambe Asha


My name is Asha Namugambe and I am the Head of Products at Teheca, a company whose focus is reducing the high rates of maternal & infant deaths in Sub-Saharan Africa by creating access to information, products & services using technology.

I have spent the last four years working with pregnant & new mothers because, in 2016, I almost lost the person I care about so much immediately after the birth of her son because she was told to go home so soon due to the fact that there was no enough space for the many mothers in the hospital.

In my country Uganda, the biggest number of public hospitals are overcrowded by overwhelming numbers of patients which put a strain on resources both on the side of health workers and the tools they need to do their work. They are never enough. Mothers are required to take their own material to help them deliver their babies or else they will not be attended to. At Teheca we have created a mom’s value kit with all the items they need to deliver safe & clean.

We need $998 to make 100 mama kits each costing $9.98 with all material needed to deliver safe & clean. Every mama kit used helps 3 people; the mother, the baby, and a nurse/midwife to be safe.

Each  mama kit contains cotton wool, Surgical gloves, surgical blade, normal saline water, cord ligature, maternity pads, polythene, diapers, sanitizers, gauze, immunization cards, baby sheets, etc

These will be sold at a subsidized price of 50% compared to their original price of $21.

Thank you for being a part of this noble cause of supporting underprivileged mothers and saving babies in Uganda.

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Número de donaciones 4

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