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I need some help to pay my school administration fee!

Jumlah terkumpul

USD 20
Sasaran USD 170

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Nice to meet you! My name is Kamelia and I'm from Jakarta, Indonesia!

I need to pay the administration fee of my school before graduating, but I can't afford it so I decided to open a project in Airtripp Funding!

If I don't pay the fee I can't get my school certificate

Currently I'm study in senior high school and I'm graduating this year.

I need to pay this school administration fee before graduating but my family and I are going through a lot of financial problems. Last year many natural disaster happened in my country and that affected negatively our economy.

But I need to pay this administration fee because my future depends on it so I really hopw for everyone's support!

My dad's income has being reduced

My dad is working as a driver.

As you might know, last year my country was hitten by many natural disasters. That affected our economy as my dad's salary started to go down.

I've a part time job as waitress but money I get is just allowing me to collaborate a little with the daily life expenses.

My mum is housewife and I also have 5 siblings. Two of them are students like me

My salary is very low and I can't save money

I need to graduate to find a good job in the future.

My brother is going to join middle school soon and he needs my parents to pay for his tuition fee. That means that they can't help my with my administration fees.

Doesn't matter how many hours do I work, my salary is so low that I can't save enough.

Details on needed funds

I just need $170 to pay the school administration fee. I would really appreciate any little help you could bring me.


If i get enough support in this project, I will pay fee administration fee immediately.

After that, I will be able to get my school certificate when I graduate and I will be able to search a job that will help me and my family.

In case I can't collect enough support I will keep doing my best or even working more hours

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Apakah itu Airfunding?

Ini adalah platform crowdfunding digunakan oleh hampir 200 negara. Sesiapa sahaja boleh membuat projek!

Jumlah sokongan 1

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