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I want to travel to my dream country, United Arab Emirates!

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Goal $1,580

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Hi everyone, nice to meet you!

My name is Monica and I live in Lagos, Nigeria!

I'm raising funds because I want to make my dream come true: to visit Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates!

I want to be able to travel abroad for the first time

When I was a child, I always dreamed to about travelling abroad.

When I started using Airtripp, I was able to make a lot of friends from Dubai and I got interested in that corner of the world.

For the first time in my life, I really want to travel abroad, not only to visit my dream country, but to meet all the friends I made in Airtripp!

It's really difficult for me to sponsor myself

I'm trying to save money to travel to Dubai.

I was working as a secretary but my income was not enough to pay all my expenses and also save enough money.

My work place was really far away from my house and I also have to spend a big part of my salary on transportation everyday, that's why I had to quit.

My family is not really able to help me. My parents are farmers and they need to take care of the school expenses of my siblings too. In fact, I need to help them so my siblings can keep going to school.

Travelling to Dubai will change my life

I have some friends in Dubai who will guide me during my trip there. I would like to spend 1 month there.

It's my first time travelling, so I'm really excited about it! During my travel there, I want to learn about the economic, culture and maybe also the cuisine from my friends.

I will be able to experience a different culture and that will enrich my life!

Details on needed funds

I would like to raise $1,580 plus my own savings, to be able to travel to Dubai!


If I can raise enough funds I will be able to make my dream come true and travel to Dubai.

In case I can't collect enough funds I won't give up and I will try to keep saving until I make my dream come true. I know it will be difficult, but I won't give up!

I really hope that you can help me to make my dream come true and get the opportunity to travel abroad for the first time in my life and meet my friends in Dubai! Thank you very much in advance!

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