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I want to treat my epilepsy and have a normal life

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Hedef $1.100

Kalan gün sayısı 0 gün

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the flag image of country Ahmed Bigriz
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Nice to meet you! My name is Ahmed and I'm from Morocco.

I'm running this project in order to receive help to be able to treat my epilepsy and have a normal life.

The effect of the seizures

I was diagnosed epilepsy in 2014.

I've been receiving treatment since then, a medicine that helps me control the seizures, but is not totally working.

The symptoms are getting worst and the seizures are starting to affect my daily life as a student.

I can't go to school in a bad day and I even avoid going outside as I am afraid to have a seizure in front of people.

Suffering discrimination because of my illness

I can't predict when seizures will occur. I feel very embarrassed when I have one in a public space.

Many people in my country don't understand that my illness is a brain disorder.

I'm even told that I have a demon inside, due to superstition, and I'm being bullied because of that.

Going to school, hanging out with my friends... I just want to do the normal things that any person of my age would do.

Best way to heal is brain surgery

It seems that epileptic seizures are caused by brain damage.

If you remove surgically the damaged part of the brain, seizures will not occur anymore. You need to take medicine for 2 years after surgery, but after that you will be able to live a completely normal life.

I really wish to receive brain surgery, but the truth is that my family can't afford it.

If you could support even a little, I would be able to receive that surgery and I would have a normal life again.

Details on needed funds

In order to receive the surgery I would need $1,400. Our savings are around $300 so the total needed amount would be $1,100.


I would like to receive the surgery as soon as possible. At least before the end of the year. As soon as I get the funds I will travel to the capital to receive the surgery.

The hospital I want to go is in a different city which is 500 km appart from my city, so I will go with my family. I know the distance will be worth it.

I will have to rest during a few weeks after the surgery but when I recover I can have the normal life that I have always dreamed of!

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Airfunding nedir?

Bu 200 ülke tarafından bir crowdfunding platformu kullanılır. Herkes kolayca bir proje oluşturabilirsiniz!

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