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I need help starting an Hair Braiding and Barbering shop

Jumlah terkumpul

Sasaran USD 1,000

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Ini adalah platform crowdfunding digunakan oleh hampir 200 negara. Sesiapa sahaja boleh membuat projek!

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the flag image of country Festus Oppong

My Name is Festus Oppong, I'm 23 years Old, I live in Ghana Accra 

I lost my parents at a young age i have struggled to complete hair barbering training, i'm here today to seek help from the whole wide world to help me establish my own shop, i have been able to get myself a place to start the business, am here today to seek for a startup support to start my own business

I'm Requesting for 1000 USD to use it as my startup by using to buy all the necessary tools and materials needed in starting the business

I would be happy if you could use the [Help by sharing] button to share about my project!

I don't have any specific time frame in getting the support because am just a beggar seeking for help but i will be glad if i get it with this month frame 

i will use the funded amount to pay for all my materials and tools needed and use some to decorate the shop, 

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Apakah itu Airfunding?

Ini adalah platform crowdfunding digunakan oleh hampir 200 negara. Sesiapa sahaja boleh membuat projek!

Jumlah sokongan 0

Dengan hanya smartphone anda, anda boleh mulakan crowdfunding percuma anda sekarang. Apa kata anda cuba gunakan Airfunding?

  • Platform crowdfunding unik di mana anda boleh mengumpul dana daripada penyokong dari lebih daripada 200 buah negara
  • Memulakan projek anda secara percuma
  • Projek anda akan diterjemahkan secara automatik untuk dunia

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