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I need to go to Tamale to take care of my grandmother

Cantidad recaudada

225 US$
Objetivo 200 US$

Días restantes 0 días

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Nice to meet you! My name is Musah Umaimatu and I live in New Abirem, Ghana.

My grandmother is living alone in Tamale, in the Northern region of Ghana, and I would like to move there to take care of her.

Living by her own

Although my grandmother's health is not good, she is living alone in another city.

She is 85 years old. She is diabetic and she has a heart disease. When she was healthy she could live alone without any problem, but her health is getting worse and she actually needs someone to help her.

My plan is to live with her and help her as much as she needs.

I need help to afford the transportation expenses to Tamale

I'm currently living in a city named New Abirem, in the eastern region of Ghana.

I don't have savings so I can't pay the bus ticket to Tamale and I don't believe I could do it in a near future. My father is working hard to pay the daily expenses for all the family, but at the end of the month he has no savings left.

If I just get enough money for the bus ticket I could go to Tamale and take care of my grandmother: Cooking, cleaning up the house, take her to the hospital, etc.

No other family member can help her

All the children that my grandmother had are living in other countries.

Only my dad is living in Ghana, but in a different city for work, so he can't move to Tamale to be with my grandmother.

The last chance for my grandmother for not being alone is me.

Details on needed funds

I just need $200 to buy the bus ticket and help me with the daily expenses until I get a job. I'd really appreciate your collaboration!


As soon as I get the funds I will buy the bus ticket to go to Tamale and I will start taking care of my grandmother.

I will do my best to be with my grandmother as soon as I can!

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Número de donaciones 9

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