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Boxing and Dance for Peace: Empowering Youth in Llano Verde

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Goal $1,500

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Have you ever wondered how boxing and dance can change lives? In this project, we will show you how we use these two activities to provide a safe and healthy space for the children and adolescents of Llano Verde, a neighborhood in Cali, Colombia, that suffers from violence and poverty.

The Problem

Llano Verde is a neighborhood that is located in commune 15 of Cali, Valle del Cauca (Colombia), which is part of the Agua Blanca district, socially considered as one of the most vulnerable areas of the city. This sector is one of the most socially recognized for being one of the most violent and dangerous in the city. Between 2013 and 2023, the neighborhood had 200 homicides, of which 62.9% of the affected age range were victims under 29 years of age1.

Many of the residents of Llano Verde are Afro-Colombian and indigenous people who were displaced from their lands by armed groups. They face discrimination, marginalization, and lack of opportunities. Many young people drop out of school, join gangs, or become involved in drug trafficking. They have no access to recreational or cultural spaces, and they have no hope for a better future.

The Solution

We are No Me Rendiré (I Will Not Give Up), a foundation that was created in 2011 by a group of young people who wanted to make a difference in their community. We believe that sport and culture are powerful tools for social transformation, and that’s why we created a project that combines boxing and dance to empower the children and adolescents of Llano Verde.

Boxing and dance are two disciplines that require discipline, dedication, and teamwork. They also help to develop physical, mental, and emotional skills, such as strength, coordination, confidence, and self-esteem. They also promote values such as respect, solidarity, and tolerance.

Our project offers free boxing and dance classes to 100 young people between 10 and 18 years old, who are selected based on their interest, commitment, and vulnerability. We also provide them with academic support, psychological counseling, nutritional guidance, and entrepreneurship training. We have a team of qualified instructors, volunteers, and allies who support our work.

The Impact

Our project has been running for 10 years, and we have seen amazing results. We have helped more than 500 young people to improve their quality of life, to stay away from violence and drugs, to finish their studies, to find jobs or start their own businesses, and to become leaders and role models in their community.

We have also organized events and activities that involve the families and neighbors of Llano Verde, such as festivals, workshops, tournaments, exhibitions, and campaigns. We have created a network of solidarity and cooperation that strengthens the social fabric and fosters a culture of peace.

Who We Are

We are a non-profit organization that relies on donations and grants to sustain our project. We have received recognition and support from local and national institutions, such as the Ministry of Culture, the Mayor’s Office of Cali, the National University of Colombia, and the United Nations Development Program. We have also participated in international events and exchanges, such as the World Urban Forum in Malaysia, the Youth Olympic Games in Argentina, and the Global Youth Summit in Switzerland.

What We Need

We need your help to continue our project and to reach more young people in Llano Verde. We have a goal of raising $10,000 USD to buy equipment and materials for our boxing and dance classes. These include:

- Professional Crossfit Whipped Rope

- Boxing gloves size 10 and 12

- Punching bags

- Boxing uniforms: different sizes

- Jump ropes

- Gauntlets

- Dumbbells and weights

- Laptops

- Printer with scanner

- Bookshelf

- Computer shelf

- Stationery

- Printer cartridges

- How You Can Help

You can make a difference by supporting our project with your donation. No matter how big or small your contribution is, it will make an impact on the lives of these young people who deserve a chance to fulfill their dreams.

You can also help us by sharing our project with your friends, family, colleagues, or anyone who might be interested. The more people who know about our project, the more chances we have to reach our goal.


As a token of our gratitude for your support, we offer you some rewards depending on the amount you donate:

- $10 USD: A thank you email with a photo of our project.

- $25 USD: A thank you video message from one of our participants.

- $50 USD: A personalized boxing or dance video lesson from one of our instructors.

- $100 USD: A digital certificate of appreciation and a No Me Rendiré T-shirt.

- $250 USD: A virtual tour of our project and a live chat with our team.

- $500 USD: A special mention on our website and social media, and a No Me Rendiré hoodie.

- $1000 USD: A personal invitation to visit our project in Cali and meet our participants (travel and accommodation not included).

Thank You

We want to thank you for taking the time to read our story and for considering supporting our project. We hope you join us in this journey of transforming lives through boxing and dance. Together, we can make a difference in Llano Verde and beyond.

You can find more of our activities at our website.

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