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Ramadan The Cat Surgery

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Goal $700

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the flag image of country Jufri Jasmani

My 2 year old cat Ramadan met an unfortunate accident. He slipped from 7th floor window ledge and landed on the road and was rescued by the Society Prevention Cruelty Association(SPCA). Found with a pool of blood opposite my blk. We searched for him for around 24hrs and finally received news that he was rescued. The clinic doctor had advised to seek for a specialist Veterinary due to his medical condition. He had a fracture jaw, fracture upper pallet which unable him to eat on its own. He also has a fracture left paws. We had just paid about SGD$1200 just for his hospitality stay and his necessities. We had to bring him back without any surgery yet because the approximated bill surgery would cost us another SGD$3200. We want him to better again, he was a beautiful playful cat. He was my late father favourite cat ?

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