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Seeking help for my failing small scale company.

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Sasaran USD 800

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the flag image of country Mutsinzi Ceasar

I am writing to seek funding for my struggling small business company, which is dedicated to empowering young people in northern Uganda through job creation and computer learning. Our mission is to provide opportunities for youth in my community, preventing them from falling into destructive behaviors like alcoholism and idleness.

Since founding the company, I have been able to organize and train youth in various fields, including mobile phone repair and computer literacy. This has not only provided them with valuable skills but has also given them a sense of purpose and direction in their lives.

However, our organization is currently facing financial difficulties, and I am in urgent need of funding to continue our work. Your investment would enable me to expand our operations, reach more young people, and create even more job opportunities in our community.

I kindly request your support in this endeavor, as your investment would make a significant impact on the lives of many young people in northern Uganda. Your generosity would be greatly appreciated and would help us achieve our mission of empowering our youth and creating a brighter future for our community.

Thank you for considering our request. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.



Mutsinzi Ceasar Director Emigre Packaging Co. Uganda Limited

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Apakah itu Airfunding?

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