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Debts and unemployment

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Hello dear friends,

My name is Leonardo Sánchez, I live in a small town in Colombia called Ubaté, I am unemployed and I have a business which is a bit stagnant, I am currently paying a study loan with which I finished my professional career and also some credits with which I acquired some equipment to be able to work on my digital marketing and photography venture.;

This year it has been a little complicated to find clients and employment because the opportunities here in Colombia are very limited and to that is added that inflation has increased so food, rent and many other things have increased their prices.

From time to time I get some events for a minimum payment with which he was able to cover some small expenses, but so far in March nothing has come of it and here in Colombia the financial entities, if one does not pay, make reports and damage people's credit history, they also do not give options in which I can freeze the debts and I really feel desperate and this situation has brought me to the point of having depression and anxiety, causing my health to deteriorate.

I seek the help of people who know how difficult it is to start a business and that despite their diverse abilities, doors are closed to them. I do this in order to be able to pay a large part of what I owe and be able to have a break while I manage to get a job with which I can exercise my knowledge and can support my home and help my family since I am in charge of my parents and they are elderly people.

I thank you with all my heart and I hope to have your help. I also hope to do it later for someone else when I feel more stable.

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