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I want to visit Australia to make a memory of youth

Toplanmış miktar

Hedef $1.500

Kalan gün sayısı 0 gün

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the flag image of country Jeff Lin
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Hi everyone! I am Lin Xingwen from Taiwan, and you can also call me Jeff! I just graduated and raised the biggest challenge in my life: I plan to travel through the land of Australia.

Australia is a country that I love very much. It is natural, clean, pure and pluralistic. This is the impression that Australia has given me. Because of its vastness and sparseness, its development is mainly concentrated in big cities, retaining many natural features and letting them grow up in the city. I am very yearning for growth.

Reasons of raising airfunding

I am a freshman who just graduated from college. Before I entered the workplace, I wanted to be brave enough for my life without any restraint. I really took the comfort circle and crossed the gap between language, race and culture. In-depth travel Australia, this piece of land I yearn for, deep experience of life.

I want to challenge myself!

By Learning English every day, speaking b5asic of english, searching online to inquire about all the information about Australia, whether it is culture, grammar, habits, food, terrain, etc. so, the challenge of life is the first time in my life! Maybe it is the last time, I hope I can beat it, I hope everyone can give me a little more support~ Thank you

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Gönderi sayısı

Airfunding nedir?

Bu 200 ülke tarafından bir crowdfunding platformu kullanılır. Herkes kolayca bir proje oluşturabilirsiniz!

Destek sayısı 4

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