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I need to buy a laptop to improve my computer skills!

Cantidad recaudada

0 US$
Objetivo 250 US$

Días restantes 0 días

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Nice to meet you! My name is John Robin (but you can call me Robs) and I'm from Philippines!

I need to buy a laptop to improve my computer skills which I need in order to get a good job and support my family!

I won't be hired without basic computer skills

Working on a factory doesn't allow you to get a proper income to cover daily expenses.

Currently I'm trying to find another type of job but every time I apply for a job offer I'm asked the very same question: Are you computer literate? And my answer is always negative.

I really need to get a laptop and start learning how to master on Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc. so I can apply to a better job!

My final objective is to support my family

Mine is a really big family as my 5 cousins are also living with us.

My parents are farmers. The parents of my cousins are separated. The children are living with us so they don't get separated too, as they are siblings.

When I was working I used to support my family, that's why I couldn't manage to save money.

Prices in Philippines are expensive compared to salaries. I just want a chance to get a good job for my family's sake.

My cousins will also get benefit

This laptop won't be only for my own use. I will let my cousins use it too!

It will help my cousins in their studies and it will also benefit their future!

I want my cousins to get a chance to have a good future, so I would like them to start learning about computers as soon as possible.

Details on needed funds

I just need $250 that I will use to purchase a laptop for me and all my family!


If I receive enough support I will be able to purchase a laptop.

Then, I will start to get basic knowledge and when I got ready, I will apply to every job offer related to office work. In the future, I will teach my cousins everything I learn!

Without a laptop I won't be able to get a better job, so I really hope for everyone to support my project! Thank you very much!

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¿Qué es Airfunding?

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