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I want to help my friend to pay her surgery!

Gesammelter Betrag

0 $
Ziel 820 $

Verbleibende Tage 0 Tage

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Nice to meet you! My name is Mukesh Masih and I'm from Vadodara, India!

I've a friend who is suffering from kidney stones and she needs surgery to remove them. I'm trying to raise some funds to help her paying the surgery cost!

We met at the church

I met this friend 3 years ago in the church we use to go to.

Her name is Prasanna, and she is a 32 years old lady. Her health condition is getting worse these last months and she is in a lot of pain.

She is a very good friend to me, a very nice person that has helped me any time I needed, and now it's my turn to help her to get the surgery she needs in a good hospital.

Prasanna is a single mother

Prasanna got married many years ago.

She has a daughter of 8 years old, but Prasanna's husband is not staying with them any more. Currently, she is taking care of her child on her own.

She is working as a cleaner but her monthly income is only $40.

Prasanna's husband is not supporting the family so she has to pay alone all the expenses. Her family is also struggling to make ends meet.

I've not save enough money yet

I started to work a few months ago.

I'm working as a sales executive but my monthly income is not more than $140. Because of work I had to move to another city but my parents still live in my hometown.

I've to pay alone for all my daily expenses so I couldn't manage to save enough during these last months, just around $100.

Details on needed funds

I would like to raise at least $820 for Prasanna's treatment. I hope I can receive some support!


Everything I collect will be given to Prasanna.

As she is suffering I would like to help her as soon as possible. In case I can't collect enough funds I will just give her what I saved.

I'm really hopping for everyone's support!

Hilf, indem Du teilst


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Was ist Airfunding?

Dies ist eine Crowdfunding-Plattform, die von fast 200 Ländern im Einsatz. Jeder leicht ein Projekt erstellen kann!

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