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Help Save My Daughter's Eyesight

모인 금액

목표 US$1,500

잔여일수 0 일

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세계 200 개국 이상에서 사용되는 크라우드 펀딩 플랫폼입니다. 누구나 쉽게 프로젝트를 시작할 수 있습니다!

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도움을 주는 첫 번째 사람이 되어 볼까요!

공유를 통해 더 많은 사람들이 프로젝트에 대해 알게되고 그러면 후원을 받기가 더욱 쉬워집니다.


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My daughter was born on September last year. When she was just 2 months old, I noticed something off about her eyes. Instead of having normal black on the center of her eyes, hers were gray in color. We decided to observe if there would be changes thinking that it might be normal because we haven't heard about cases like hers. And now she is 4 months old and nothing changed. We also tried to show things to her and she would not acknowledge it. She only reacts to sunlight. And just days ago I noticed a white jelly-like appeared on her right pupil. That is when I realized that it is something serious. So we had her checked to a pediatrician. We were told that she had congenital cataract which broke my heart. And so we were asked to visit an eye specialist. So we bisited one this morning and the doctor told us that her eyes should be treated as soon as possible. But we are short of funds that is why I am asking for your help. I hope that you will find it in your heart to help us save my daughter's eyesight. Your help would be gladly appreciated. Thank you in advance and Godbless you all.

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세계 200 개국 이상에서 사용되는 크라우드 펀딩 플랫폼입니다. 누구나 쉽게 프로젝트를 시작할 수 있습니다!

후원된 횟수 0

스마트 폰 하나로 쉽게 시작 무료 크라우드 펀딩. Airfunding에서 자금을 모아 보지 않겠습니까?

  • 200 개국 이상의 사람에서 지원을받을 수 밖에없는 플랫폼
  • 수수료 무료 시작할 수 있습니다
  • 당신의 프로젝트는 번역되어 전세계 사람들에게 보일 수 있습니다.

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