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I am Jairo Alberto Guarnizo, a 43-year-old Colombian, the father of 12-year-old Douglas Santiago Guarnizo Ángel, who lives in a town near the capital Bogotá; and although much of my training, both academic and professional, has focused on logistics and transportation areas; I am also an accomplished reader and writer who enjoys composing texts that express my ideas in an interesting way. In other words, I have one of many talents which I feel blessed and that I certainly enjoy, thus developing communication skills that I have strengthened over 17 years in my professional practice, cultivating my verbal and written communication skills, through a self-formative process that has been edifying, and through which the real mission of life is revealed. The taste and sensitivity for writing have given me the ability to compose formal texts fluently on various topics, taking care of the corresponding style and language rules.

In the same way, the personal and spiritual development activities that I have been carrying out in the last 5 years, demand the good use of the written and spoken word, to appropriately communicate the messages and achieve a positive influence on the audience, in those a who are intended to provide a guide. In this way, I find myself in the construction of my own path of inner transformation, which seeks to find personal balance and life purpose, being my most significant project to publish a book on spiritual growth, oriented to the transcendent experience of being, the awakening of individual and collective consciousness, the mental and emotional ascent of the human being as a primordial being that is discovered and internally formed; this initiative by which I intend to obtain the necessary financing funds to make it possible.

... The Authentic Lack of Sense ...

With the passing of the years, the desire for personal transcendence becomes stronger and with it the search for true purpose. For some time I have been wondering about that feeling ... ... what happens to me with certain experiences in different areas, such as sentimental, economic, and especially professional or work. Why do I feel this way? Why such a state of restlessness and discomfort? Why the lack of motivation and enjoyment in what I do? Because of the place, the situations and people around me? Wasn't this all my choice? It is not a little mental and emotional transit that crosses through thoughts to the point of imbalance, courage and frustration.

Before, I only managed to continue in a vicious circle of darkness in which resigning ended up being the solution, living something that, deep inside I knew, was not what I really wanted; experiencing emotions that I could not clarify or manage feeling trapped ... ... by chance, has it not the same thing happened to those who are reading these lines? Now, at least I try to ask myself what I really want, I write possible answers and alternatives, trying to evaluate if they really are emotionally and spiritually viable for me. It is here that the interior work, the recognition of Love and Life in the present moment, takes a fundamental sense as the primary objective, thus allowing the identification of secondary or external missionary purposes, to achieve the long-awaited state of fullness.

Write the Book!

Achieve the freedom of time necessary, for a year or so, to dedicate it to strengthening a process of self-formation in collaborative models of leadership, personal and spiritual development. In this way, one of the contributions to society is a work that shows a light at the end of the tunnel to so many souls who want to find themselves and discover their path.

My contribution is to lovingly contribute to the self-observation of the individual on his own tendencies in terms of human behavior, which govern him in the development of social and economic events, as opportunities in which he develops his diverse being, the external and the internal. It aims to train you as a seeker of truth within the framework of human and spiritual transcendence, leading you towards a true experience of life, of true transformation, fulfillment, and fulfillment. All the success in the world, true success, depends on it!

Guiding Collective Thinking!

Through the virtual and social influence obtained with this book, later action plans will be launched through which an access door to knowledge is taught, and to a state of greater awareness, that light at the end of the tunnel that allows the individual feels motivated enough so that, at last, they begin their own path of transformation and inner fulfillment. Those actions will be the ones that best fit the objective that is pursued from the heart, since what is truly important will be to define the plus or differential that really generates a point of conscious inflection in the individual, so that he appropriates the message and practices it, the message that invites you to your individual awakening, and to the recognition of the inner power that you carry within yourself.

It is there where the financing fund, as a recurring basic income, becomes the key piece to make possible the investment of fundamental resources in the writing of the book, the study and research of associated topics, the construction of content, and implementation progress of the action plan. Now, contrary to what you may think, when you talk about fundamental resources, you are not referring to money or investment funds necessarily, but to TIME! TIME of quality to establish a posture of inspiration and transcendent disposition that allows defining the best mechanism and the best way to achieve the objective. 1 year of recurring basic income, is the possibility to focus with full freedom and inspiration of the spirit towards the materialization of an idea that comes from the heart, so that it reaches the heart of everyone who wants to make the message their own, intuiting that inner voice that dictates what you should do. 1 year of recurring basic income, is the possibility of working calmly without the daily worries of paying the expenses, paying the bills, and the own or family support.

Deadlines and objectives!

< p>08/29/2020 is the date proposed as the initial deadline of the project, with the objective of completing the first 90 pages of the book, between approximately 2 and 3 chapters; as a deliverable advance that is visible to the public through the platform, obtaining contributions of a minimum of $1,500 USD.

Return part of the profits to society!

Social causes for which we must work and human beings who need help, is what abounds on this planet, and Latin American countries are no exception. In addition to providing a spiritual orientation for the growth of the inner being through the book, it is also the purpose of supporting different foundations in charge of developing humanitarian work with different approaches, such as, for example, vulnerable populations in a state of abandonment, such as adults. elderly and abandoned children, medical assistance programs for children with cancer, whose families are in a state of poverty, and who do not have health services; social assistance to children who up to 3 years of age must remain inmates in prison institutions with their parents, and psycho-social support for children at risk of crime and substance use. Initially, we will be linked with the Akapana Foundation, which works for the freedom of internal children in prison centers.

This being the case, and bearing in mind that there is nothing better to perform in that which awakens our most genuine passion, I firmly believe that it is an excellent opportunity to obtain the required financing and develop the project described here, guiding more committed human beings in the mission to transform the world through Love, making a true contribution to the social development of nations, with all the pleasure and dedication to service. In this way, I allow myself to put at your disposal my good offices, with which I intend to contribute to the work that hundreds of light workers around the world are already doing today. For your attention, Thank you very much! You can find and contact me at:

Skype: GP JA /

My best regards,


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