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Help for my baby's heart surgery

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Goal $1,000

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My name is Liliana, I am from Chiapas, Mexico.

My project is in order to help my baby receive surgical medical attention as soon as possible

Diagnosed with pulmonary valve stenosis, together with the perimembranous ventricular septal defect and heart failure.

I have a baby who was apparently born healthy, everything was going well and I felt like the happiest mom until one day just when my baby was turning four months, something happened that gave us a turn in our lives

My baby began to cry without comfort until she became pale and purple-limbed and passed out.

From there we asked ourselves what was happening to the girl because this was repeated 2 more times, until we took her to the pediatrician who, when listening to her little heart, made a gesture of discontent

At that time we did not know what to think or how to react, we just worried more and we went to the cardiologist and in my mind I said to God, hopefully, it is not so serious, but my hopes were tears when the cardiologist told us, her baby has 2 problems, he has pulmonary valve stenosis and perimembranous ventricular septal defect.

I didn't know what that was but he explained to us that the girl had a narrow valve and that a wall of the little heart had not closed and had a fairly large hole, so she would need surgery to correct all that

We do not have sufficient financial resources to cover the cost of the operation and the various preoperative and postoperative studies, so the money raised along with what we are saving as parents will be to cover the expenses of the surgery, the stay, and the recovery of the baby.

Please help my baby get healthy

At that moment I wanted to cry hard, but only my tears rolled to see my baby there and think about everything that awaited us. With the passing of the months the crises have been increasing, every day she gives 2 to 3 times a day and it fills us with anguish to see her like this, as a mother I feel helpless and I live with the fear that my daughter may no longer return.

She is a very active girl, she learns very fast and she is very affectionate and I cannot imagine my life without her, she is my first baby.

Currently, she is 9 months old and the same disease makes her development slow in weight and height. We need your help to be able to perform the surgery since through government institutions everything is very slow and time is what we do not have because the girl is very ill.

With all my heart I will thank her for her support since I do not want anything more than that she grows up healthy and happy as every child deserves. You would make my daughter and me happy as a mother.

Thank you.

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